Thursday, June 3, 2021

In my breast, there is a bubbling of joy, a rush of pure knowing keeps me steady in the light of Perfection.

As my body ages, I have, like so many other older persons before me, become more selective with whom I hang out, and the circumstances in which I hang out.

As that inner kern of peace expands, like a tsunami, it swells to collect everything that’s not real and then washes the debris out to sea. And thus, after this spiritual tidal wave,  I look around both inwardly and outwardly, and I see fewer distractions, fewer obstacles between imagined me and the perfection of my true Self.

This past year, the era of Corona, has been like an extended spiritual retreat. Not a vacation, but an ever-present reminder of my true purpose in life: finding the obstacles to peace and allowing them to drop by the wayside. The situation has been so threatening at times, the alternative so apparent, that I turn within now with a willingness and longing I have seldom experienced when “the good times” were rolling. Who wants to remember they are not of this world when sitting on a Greek Island, sipping Ouzo, and watching an awesome sunset? When the good times get going, the aspirants stay planted in the beauty of the illusion.

These past months, the Corona Police have hindered the luxury of pretending the world of form is enough, so much so that the True Light was able to shine through and lead me through the valley of the shadow of death… death to most of what this world has to offer.

And now, I dread the return. As the lockdown eases up, I feel like an unborn baby that clings to the inner warmth and security of the womb; of an effortless existence. The thought of reappearing in this world of illusive well-being, getting caught up in its dramas and tragedies, has me clinging to my own four walls, my small alternative to a world gone mad, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

 “Who is the I who wants to stay separated, and what is it I want to stay separated from?”

As long as these questions remain, I realize I am still very much a part of this world of form and have much more to realize before I am fully aware of the Truth of the matter.

But I continue to sing the Psalms of praise to the glory of my true Self, continue more often than not to choose love over fear. What else can I do? The memory of eternity is too present to quit now and fall asleep.

In my breast there is a bubbling of joy, a rush of pure knowing keeps me steady in the light of Perfection.