The power of thoughts
The age-old dilemma of the chicken and the egg has been solved: If this world is just an illusion, there is no chicken, nor is there an egg. If I create my own reality, they both came into existence at the same time namely, when I thought myself into existence. And, if that's not true?
Before I answer that question, I have another question: why the hell am I pondering this ridiculous question at all? I have a more apt question to brake my head with: am I getting older because I think I am getting older, or am I thinking I am getting older because I feel like I am getting older?
Someone wise told me that life is what we believe it to be. Rich people believe they are rich, poor people believe they are poor. If a rich man loses his money, chances are, he'll end up rich again within a few years because he thinks he is rich. Same thing with the poor man. He wins the lottery and within two years his reality looks just like it did before he won the jackpot.
Why and when did the rich man start thinking he was rich? Certainly not in his present incarnation because I've been doing that ever since I realized being a bird in a golden cage wasn't a consideration anymore. First, because no one with money would choose to stick a bird with my particular plumage his golden cage, and second, ever since I came out, I've had an abject fear of being caged in.
More to the point, though: when did I start to get old? If thoughts create our reality, (and I am sure they do), when did I start thinking I am old? Was it when my eyesight started to fail that I thought, "I am getting old?" Or did I start thinking, "I am getting old!" and then my eyesight started to get weaker?
If I am what we think I am, if thoughts and beliefs form my present reality, when did I change the belief "I am young," to, "I am old?
Philosophy would say, "You are not getting older...your body is. And your body is not who you are." In that same vein, "I am as God created me, (eternal spirit), and, no matter what I think or believe, I can't change that." But I can pretend to change it. And that pretension is what created this finite world in the first place. It is this level of being that is made real by my thoughts and beliefs. And that's where I believe the problem is.
SO, again: which came first: the symptoms of old age that gave rise to the belief I am getting older, or the belief that gave rise to the symptoms?
I don't remember consciously asking for any of the debilitating symptoms of old age, and I didn't start consciously believing that my body was aging until I experienced the symptoms.
Which came first? The egg or the egghead?
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