How to get and remain inspired
First, find a space to get inspired. Periodically, step out of the chaos of the world. Allow yourself to discover what joy and peace solitude has to offer. True inspiration is born in the holy space of silence and to get silent, you have to be in a place that fosters peace
Second, redevelop a love for reading, then read because you enjoy it, not because you hope it will make you a better person, appear more intelligent, or might impress someone along the way.
Learn to play an instrument, but for the love of learning, for the love of making your own kind of music, not because you want to become an accomplished musician. Studies show that learning an instrument improves long-term memory and alertness.
Start a journal, write a book. Or, eight. This is what I’m doing. When I first started, there was the thought my writing might lead to fame, fortune, and all the other traps that lead to dissatisfaction in this world. That was the voice of the ego that wanted to keep me dissatisfied. Now I write because I love to write. Certainly, it is nice when someone reads what I write, but that has become less and less important, and I have become more and more satisfied.
Find an art class. Is there anything more inspiring than art? And, with the advent of Modern Art, the less shame we have to feel about creating something others don’t enjoy. Remember: creativity is like a muscle: the more you use it the stronger it gets.
Practice yoga at home. What has kept me on the path of yoga more than anything is realizing Yoga is a journey, not an accomplishment. I’ve devoted most of my adult life to yoga. Granted, that sounds a lot easier said than done. But I had the good fortune to discover yoga back at a time when it had little else to offer but joy and peace. Now, thanks to the yoga boom, people believe that, with yoga you can become rich and famous, impress your friends and family, and be better (or worse) than the next guy. The good news is, there are so many books and videos about yoga now, you don’t have to be a part of this scheme. Find a yoga style you feel comfortable with and have fun. Forget classes. Those just lead to competition and the feeling that you are the low guy on the totem pole. Discover yoga is so much more than just a series of postures. It’s a whole lifestyle, tailored cut to your needs. Take it slow, but make it regular.
Certainly, there are many other ways to get and remain inspired, like watching cat videos or drinking espresso, but the message here is to do something that is satisfying, an undertaking that is a joy to engage in. Do what you want in the way you want to do it. If you’re authentic in this way that in which you engage with feel fresh and original: inspiring.
And last, but not lease: Let your life be your message. Stay inspired so that you may inspire others
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